
One of our most exciting ways to support the community is through 周五的4%! You shop and together we give 4% of Co-op sales on one Friday a month to a non-profit, 慈善社区组织. And just think--each of these organizations is, itself, supporting the community! 多么大的给予圈啊.

小山小学花园- 1月28日

小山小学 提供高质量的, student-centered education that allows kids to use their voice and power to make a difference in their community. 的y seek to connect students and families to healthy lifestyle and nutritional choices by developing and maintaining a school garden on campus.

Little Mountain will use 周五的4% 有趣的ds to purchase a garden shed to store their tools for easy student access and to build a kiosk and outdoor classroom on campus near their garden.

Adding an outdoor classroom in a currently empty lot from recent portable removal will provide students with the opportunity to take pride in their school by beautifying the area, 同时培养对户外活动的欣赏, 我们的环境, 和社区.

下一页- 2月25日

页面之前 provides new books and develops reading activities that empower at-risk children. 的y are the leading provider of children’s books and literacy services in Washington State, 与小学合作, 早教中心, 以及其他机构.

Funds from 周五的4% will support 页面之前’s Book Up Summer, in which K-2 students at majority low-income schools receive 12 brand-new books of their choosing at the end of the school year for three years in a row for summer reading, 尽量减少或消除“暑期学习幻灯片”.

斯卡吉特渔业促进小组- 3月25日

斯卡吉特渔业促进小组(SFEG) builds partnerships that educate and engage the community in habitat restoration and watershed stewardship activities in order to increase 大马哈鱼 populations and ensure a healthy community for all of us.

SFEG will use 有趣的ds from 周五的4% to offer its Junior Stream Steward program to 500 local students. This year long program gets middle school students out of the classroom and learning about stream ecosystem, 大马哈鱼, and how they can ensure healthy watersheds for our future.

萨利希海上聋人学校- 4月22日

萨利希海上聋人学校(SSDS) uses innovative teaching practices to provide academic excellence, utilizing an ASL/English bilingual approach to bring opportunities to enhance language competency, 学生的好奇心, 积极的自我认同.

Funds from 周五的4% will be used to develop a gardening program for the students and their families that would include building raised beds, learning organic growing practices at school and in the local area, 农场参观, 种植收获, 烹饪, 保存农产品.

男孩 & 斯卡吉特山谷女孩俱乐部- 5月27日

联合国的使命 男孩 & 斯卡吉特县的女孩俱乐部 is to enable all young people to reach their full potential, 较高的工作效率, 有爱心的, 负责任的公民. 男孩们 & 女孩俱乐部为6-18岁的青少年提供一个保险箱, 有趣的, 和积极的成长空间, 他们在哪里参与有针对性的项目, 专注于学业成功的优先结果, 健康的生活方式, 良好品格, 和国籍.

Funds from 周五的4% will go directly towards scholarships for members to attend the club.


Skagit拾荒者的目的是提供食物, 家居用品和服装要节俭, 浪费意识, 工薪家庭. By rescuing surplus food and product from local businesses, 展开汽车追击一 is able to keep items out of overflowing landfills.

展开汽车追击一 will use 有趣的ds from 周五的4% to purchase imperfect fruits and vegetables from Latino-owned farms. This would provide Latino-owned businesses an opportunity to thrive, 同时为整个社区做出贡献.

移民资源 & 即时支援- 7月22日

移民资源 & 即时支援(IRIS) mission is two-fold: to connect immigrants with existing resources in the community, and to provide immediate assistance to those experiencing a temporary period of crisis.

IRIS will use 有趣的ds from 周五的4% to provide immediate support to local families to alleviate suffering by meeting basic needs such as access to food, 服装, 和住所.

学校社区- 8月26日

的使命 学校社区 是用一个支持学生的社区来包围学生, 让他们能够留在学校,在生活中取得成就.

Funds from 周五的4% will be utilized to support 学校社区’ Basic Needs Resource Closets at 5 schools in the Mount Vernon School District.

MVPD流浪者服务- 9月23日

MVPD的外联协调员, 艾琳VonFempe, is a master’s level social worker who works directly with homeless individuals in the community. This program provides services and 有趣的ding for such necessities as meals, 住房, 医疗保健, 药物滥用治疗, 和更多的.

弗农山警察局 我们会用周五的4%来支付交通费用吗, 临时住房, 紧急必需品,如食物和衣服, 还要弄到身份证件.

青年网- 10月28日

的目的 Youthnet网站 is to provide foster homes for children in need of a temporary home until they can reunify with their families. Youthnet网站 also provides family preservation services to keep families safely together.

Funds from 周五的4% will be used to support youth by providing equity, 多样性和包容性, and cultural competency training for foster parents so that youth can be given the best quality of care that supports individualized needs and honors their identity, 比赛, 和文化的知识和理解.

布里吉德·柯林斯家庭支持中心- 11月18日

布里吉德·柯林斯家庭支持中心 is a community-based organization dedicated to ending child abuse by building strong families and protecting children.

Funds will be used to offer nourishment in Brigid Collins’ Children’s Advocacy Center, including healthy drinks and snacks for families during forensic interviews, 医学考试, 治疗支持. Any remaining 有趣的ds will be used to purchase comfort toys and healing journals.

帮助我成长 – Skagit Family Resource Center – December 23

帮助我成长 aims to offer families seamless access to community services and support so they can easily connect to what they need, 当他们需要的时候.

帮助我成长 will use 周五的4% 有趣的ds to purchase supplies to be distributed to families in need. 的se items range from household and personal care basic needs items to other infant and childcare related items.
